Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wail n Tie day?

Just wondering if 14th Feb is Valentine's day or is it a Wail N Tie day?

If you thought that was a pathetic joke, humour me by asking me out and if you thought that was brilliant, then ask me out anyways for a good time

So here it is:

What I think of Valentines Day
hearts and roses and kisses galore....
what the heck is all that junk for
people get mushy and start acting weird
Its definitely the most annoying day of the year
this day needs to be over with the end is near
before I shove a dozen roses up cupid's rear
I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak
and wear all black for the rest of the week
guys and gals act all sweet but soon it will fade
for all they are doing is trying to get laid
the arrow cupid shot at me must not have hit
because I think love is a bunch of shit
so theres my story.....what can say
love bites.....Screw VALENTINE'S DAY!!

Couchsurfing and it's impact on me

It would be a complete disappointment if I don't write about 1 project which has impacted me a lot in growing as a human being. It is Couchsurfing - www.couchsurfing.com.

What is it?
Well, if I put it simply, the world offlate has shrunk in geographical distances but the mental and emotional distances are far greater than they ever were. Couchsurfing is one attempt to reduce these distances and make the world a small global village. It's for people who love to travel, exchange cultures, meet people and genuinely respect and embrace other ideas. It's not just a free accomodation site for people to offer and request accomodation while they are travelling. It is neither a site to find easy dates and quick lays. It's about us and the way we want to shape up our palce in the world.

How has it impacted me?
I joined CS nearly 2 yrs ago when I was still in Mumbai. I could not host anyone as I lived in a small house with my family but I did meet people who were visiting. My first experiences were just about okay though I did meet these 2 wonderful travellers, one from Finland and another from Italy. The experience started getting better when I moved to Bangalore and I had a huge house and spare rooms. This is when I started hosting people. And then I got addicted to it. I have hosted many travellers so far and I can safely say that most of them today are close friends. Similarly I met CSers when I was in Indonesia and I am in constant interaction with them. Infact in Bangalore, I generally hang around, party, watch movies, dine with the group of CSers who are drawn from different parts of the world and it is wonderful as we all have our stories, cultures and ideas to share.

This whole experience has helped me understand myself better as a person and also understand my own culture much better than I could have otherwise understood. I got newer insights in the way this world functions. Inspite of my travels, I possibly was just a frog in a well but Couchsurfing told me there is more to the world than what I thought. Apart from the absolute joy of learning new things, it also impacted me personally when I realised that slowly my CSer friends have become my strongest support systems.

I thank Casey and all others who have started this wonderful project for it and I am determined to be an integral part of it and give something back to it whichever way I can.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Here I begin......

I don't know what adjectives can people use for me but the one adjective I use for myself is - Virtually Lazy. After months of ignoring my friends' desires to see me write on the blogs, I finally start writing.

Any inspirations for me to write? Yes to a large extent. Seeing the blog written by a friend made me kick my butt for being a lazy asshole and here I am rambling on. Now that you are here, you certainly are doomed to reading my rantings.

Life right now is a roller-coster. I am experiencing different emotions with every passing moment. Be it in my personal life or professional life. The amount of emotional changes I am going thru' can possibly outdo the climate changes London witnesses.Do I regret it? No, I don't because all the emotions are so raw that they helping me connect to myself much better than earlier.