Am interesting disucssion over breakfast on how Hinduism started off as a the most liberal and logical religion or way of life, got converted into symbolism , hypocrisy and tool at hands of so-called Gurus and Babas.
The ancient Hindu books very clearly draw a distinction between 'naman' (bow head in respect) and to touch feet. The books said that every elder, learned one, brave one, honest one and all those who deserved respect need to be bowed to but not touch their feet. Touhcing feet was limited to parents, teachers, motherland (since concept of nation was not yet born) and God. Apart from these, the real Hinduism did not promote the touching of feet.
But today touching of feet has become a joke. We see the trend in political and social curcuits. Leaders feet are touched as if they are God and every Godman thinks he is an incarnation of Vishnu and we see people touching their feet. Just a small gesture as touching feet gives deep insight into the corrution of this amazing religion apart from showing the inferiority mentality that has been bred in by years of slavery and before that the wrong interpretation of Hindu books.
Chidambaram, budget and unjustifiable numbers
12 years ago