Am I happy???????? or am I super happy??????
Well, this will be the best thing to happen to Indian Cricket. I pray for more crushing defeats in times to come. So, am I the traitor? Am I to be hanged for treachery??
To the jingoistic cricket fans for whom Indian cricket teams and 'stars' (hahahahaha... ) are more important that the game or anything else for that matter, I might sound like a mad-India hater. And it is this whole clan that I love to hate specially since the day when thse guys prayed and later celebrated Indian wins in 1999 World Cup when their prayers were needed somewhere else i.e. for the soldiers fighting the Kargil War. I started hating Indian love for circket from that day. And more these guys fell prey to crass commercialisation, more I started laughing at them.
Am I a cricket fan? Yes, a huge one at that. But the difference is my love is for the game of cricket and not blindly for Indian Cricket Team. I believe that the game is mroe beautiful and bigger than any teams and for that matter, one who wins or loses is the one who deserves it. So I will applaud whoever plays the better cricket. This will explain why I love the way Australians play cricket. Hard but fair.
Coming back to the loss. I loved the sight of people shedding their hair off. This madness suits them and they possibly don't deserve any better in life than by swayed by 'paper Gods'. Just a few good batting eprformances by the same starts and they will be the demi-gods again but for the interim period, the guys who shed their hair have to walk in tremendous heat with sun hitting their bald pates. Did I hear sadistic pleasures? Hehehe...
I just pray and hope for more defeats so that the mind numbing craze for Indian cricket team is reduced and then we can have fans who love the game irrespective of who wins and loses. Follow the game in a way that it does not sway your emotions to extremes. Why have people dying just for a game?
I am betting my money on Australia again to win the World Cup. Final should be Australia v/s WI or SL.
Chidambaram, budget and unjustifiable numbers
12 years ago
1 comment:
Hi Jiten bhai...kaise ho..are yaar tumne toh meri dil ki baat boli...I m loving the Indian Team's defeat and I think it happened for good :)
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