People ask me why I love Mumbai so much while I am in Bangalore and I am always at pains explaining them why Mumbai is pecial. That's maybe coz they don't see Mumbai the way I do. To explain what's different, I have only one thing in mind and that is last weekend, when I went to Mumbai, immediately after airport, the cab stopped at a signal and people were running ro cross the road before the vehicles start again. And the sight of people running or walking briskly was so common. This is what I love about Mumbai. Be you rich or poor, be you blue collared or white collared, you have to run. There is no inertia. There is no stopping.
For me, that symbolises life coz life too never stops and same way Mumbai too never stops
Chidambaram, budget and unjustifiable numbers
12 years ago
1 comment:
I totally agree about the mumbai bit..
so, what happened in mumbai that cahnged life so much???? eh eh?? :)
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